Why Use OOP?

R is traditionally a functional programming language, meaning that when we code in R, we tend to think in terms of functions. For instance, given a data set, what function can I create to plot a certain variable? Object oriented programming (OOP) introduces the concept of “classes.” While classes are used extensively in other programming languages such as Java, their use in R differs from conventional uses. In part, this is because R has several unique OOP systems which differ from one another in key ways. The three most popular systems are S3, S4, and R6. While different R communities leverage different systems, we will focus on S3, which is favored by the folks over at RStudio, the Tidyverse, and other related organizations. For more information, see the additional reading section below.

An Example Use Case

Consider the case where you want to create a function that works for a specific type of data format. Perhaps there you are interested in a specific column and want to ensure your data has this column present. For instance, let us take a look at the following dataset.

#> # A tibble: 832 × 10
#>    sample     gene_id       gene  mutation_name  exonic_func  aa_change targeted
#>    <chr>      <chr>         <chr> <chr>          <chr>        <chr>     <chr>   
#>  1 D10-JJJ-23 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  2 D10-JJJ-43 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  3 D10-JJJ-55 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  4 D10-JJJ-5  PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  5 D10-JJJ-47 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  6 D10-JJJ-15 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  7 D10-JJJ-27 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  8 D10-JJJ-10 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#>  9 D10-JJJ-28 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#> 10 D10-JJJ-52 PF3D7_0106300 atp6  atp6-Ala623Glu missense_va… Ala623Glu Yes     
#> # … with 822 more rows, and 3 more variables: ref_umi_count <dbl>,
#> #   alt_umi_count <dbl>, coverage <dbl>

Let us say we want to create a function mutation_prevalence which determines the prevalence of each mutation in the dataset. Moreover, we would like to plot this prevalence.

prevalence <- mutation_prevalence(data, 5)
#> # A tibble: 16 × 4
#>    mutation_name  n_total n_mutant prevalence
#>    <chr>            <int>    <int>      <dbl>
#>  1 atp6-Ala623Glu      36       NA     NA    
#>  2 atp6-Glu431Lys      39       NA     NA    
#>  3 atp6-Gly639Asp      26       19      0.731
#>  4 atp6-Ser466Asn      15        9      0.6  
#>  5 atp6-Ser769Asn      17       NA     NA    
#>  6 crt-Ala220Ser       11        4      0.364
#>  7 crt-Asn326Asp       21        8      0.381
#>  8 crt-Asn326Ser       26       NA     NA    
#>  9 crt-Asn75Glu        29       24      0.828
#> 10 crt-Cys72Ser        31       23      0.742
#> 11 crt-His97Leu        47       NA     NA    
#> 12 crt-His97Tyr        47       NA     NA    
#> 13 crt-Ile356Leu       22       15      0.682
#> 14 crt-Ile356Thr       41       18      0.439
#> 15 crt-Lys76Thr        29       25      0.862
#> 16 crt-Met74Ile        29       24      0.828

While creating this function may require some thought, it makes intuitive sense that the result will contain four columns as seen above. Two of these columns, n_total and n_mutant, are used to compute the final column, prevalence. Therefore, if we wanted to visualize our data, it is not very important for us to consider the two columns n_total and n_mutant. Rather, we care about the mutation_name and the prevalence.

If we were to create an function, plot_prevalence, the easiest way to code it would be to give the function a data argument:

plot_prevalence <- function(data) {
  # code for plotting goes here

Notice that in the given format, we could feed any dataset into our function. In other words, there are no checks to make sure we are feeding in the output of mutation_prevalence(). How could we address this potential problem?

Potential Solutions

The most obvious solution would be to check that some key columns exist:

plot_prevalence <- function(data) {
  if (!"mutation_name" %in% colnames(data)) {
    stop("Missing key column!", call. = FALSE)

  # code for plotting goes here

Howerver, another strategy would be to use classes! If we assigned a class, say mut_prev, to the output of mutation_prevalence(), we could easily check if the input is of type mut_prev:

plot_prevalence <- function(data) {
  if (!inherits(data, "mut_prev")) {
    stop("Wrong class input!", call. = FALSE)

  # code for plotting goes here

But Wait, There’s More!

Now, using classes to solve this issue might seem like overkill. After all, why create an entire new class when you can just have an if() statement? The real power of object-oriented programming is the ability to use polymorphism1. What we mean by this is the ability to use the same function for many types of input. An example of this behavior is the base R function print() which behaves differently depending on the class of the input.

# A vector
print(c(1, 2))
#> [1] 1 2

# A tibble
print(tibble::as_tibble(c(1, 2)))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 1
#>   value
#>   <dbl>
#> 1     1
#> 2     2

Using OOP, developers can customize how certain functions interact with certain objects. Revisiting our mut_prev class, we could even change the way the table is printed! Another common example is plotting a dataset. Say we have developed a package that introduces three different classes of datasets. We can then create a plot method for each type of class.

plot.class1 <- function(x) {
  # plotting code

plot.class2 <- function(x) {
  # plotting code

plot.class3 <- function(x) {
  # plotting code

We can witness this in action with our class mut_prev. When we call plot() a custom plot specific to only our class is generated!


Additional Reading

There is a lot more to the world of OOP and many important packages leverage various OOP techniques. In fact, as we mentioned earlier, there are even multiple OOP systems in R. For example, the Tidyverse is built using the S3 system whereas the Bioconductor project uses S4. Of all the available systems, S3 is regarded as the easiest system to learn.

To learn more about OOP, I would highly recommend reading the OOP chapter of Advanced R and visiting some of the articles in the {vctrs} package. The functions used for this post can be found in my {s3examples} package where I have written a simple S3 subclass of the tibble() class.

  1. The term polymorphism has been taken from Advanced R↩︎

Aris Paschalidis
Aris Paschalidis
Medical Student

My research interests include health analytics, infectious diseases, and artificial intelligence.