Power Analysis
A brief introduction to power analysis.
We define power as: “the probability that, given a specified true difference between two groups, the quantitative results of a study will be deemed statistically significant.” In mathematical terms, power is defined as $1-\beta$, where $\beta$ is the type II error, i.e., failing to reject the null when it should have been rejected.
The calculation for power involves four key variables, power being one of them:
- Power
- Alpha (significance level)
- Sample size
- Effect size
Power analyses are often conducted a priori, where a desired sample size can be computed based on the other factors. In this case, a power of 0.8 is often desirable, and the alpha value is set to 0.05. The effect size can be interpreted as the “minimum clinically important difference.” In other words, the difference that an investigator wants to detect between study groups. The effect size depends on the problem and the field being examined.
A power analysis can also be conducted after a study’s completion. In this case, the sample size and alpha will be fixed. Given that the study has already been completed, there exists an observed effect size, which is calculated directly from the data. If one were to compute the power using this observed effect size, the power would yield little additional information to the already known p-value. As a result, this post hoc power analysis would not be particularly useful.
An alternative option is to conduct a power sensitivity analysis. We can estimate various detectable effect sizes as we change the power. We define the effect size at a power of 0.8 as the minimum detectable effect size or MDES. Note that this value depends on the known sample size and will decrease as the sample size increases, i.e., a study with a larger sample size will have a smaller MDES. If the MDES is small, it means our study can detect small differences between study cohorts. We can additionally define a theoretical effect size of interest. This effect size is problem specific and indicates the effect size that we believe to be practically significant. Note that this is the same effect size that would have been used in an a priori power analysis.
Given the observed p-value, observed effect size, the minimum detectable effect size, and the theoretical effect size of interest, we can make additional conclusions about our study. A comparison of the observed and minimum detectable effect size suggests whether a result is significant. If the observed effect size is greater than the minimum detectable effect size, it suggests that the results are significant. The larger the observed effect size, the larger the difference we found between the study cohorts. A comparison of the minimum detectable effect size and the theoretical effect size of interest indicates whether a study is over or underpowered. If the minimum detectable effect size is smaller than the theoretical effect size of interest, our study is appropriately powered. Otherwise, our study is underpowered. To think of this differently, if the minimum detectable effect size is greater than the theoretical effect size of interest, our study cannot ascertain differences that we consider to be theoretically or practically relevant, i.e., it is underpowered.
If no theoretical effect size of interest is known post-hoc, one cannot definitively determine if a study is over or underpowered. However, it can be concluded that the study is adequately powered to detect effect sizes greater than the minimum detectable effect size. For example, consider the case where the MDES was 0.3. The study would then be adequately powered for effect sizes greater than 0.3 but would be unable to detect effect sizes less than 0.3. In other words, the study cannot detect very small differences between cohorts.
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